整型美容、醫學美容、 微整型美容 德國抗老化療程、健康管理諮詢 生髮健髮、減重塑身、牙齒美容

夏天掉髮三大殺手 紫外線、泳池氯氣與細菌

中時健康╱【中時健康 黃曼瑩/台北報導】 2010-07-08 10:55

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【中時健康 江沂秋/台北報導】2010.05.27 

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Losing weight with 7 Keto DHEA

Losing weight_1_300Thousands of scientific articles have been published about this powerful hormone’s anti-depression, anti-obesity, anti-carcinogenic, anti-stress, immune-enhancing, anti-viral and anti-bacterial, anti-aging and anti-heart disease effects. DHEA’s reach into the human condition is so penetrating and powerful that it could easily fill books of encyclopedic proportions. One could start anywhere. DHEA research has shown it enhances insulin-like growth factor -1 (IGF-1) release. IGF-1 (formerly called “Somatomedin C”) is the “hidden anabolic power behind the throne” of growth hormone (GH).  The Morales/Yen study found it boosted a 10% rise in serum IGF-1 levels. At the same time it has shown anti cortisol effects. You will recall that cortisol is the stress hormone that causes a build up in the mid section of the body.

Weight-2_300So, why doesn’t everyone of middle age just supplement with DHEA? Though initially it seems to work like a dream, protracted DHEA supplementation eventually goes the opposite way by significantly boosting androgen/estrogen production. (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione) or estrogens (estrone, estradiol).  This increased androgen levels can potentially cause facial hair, acne, enlarged clitoris, abdominal fat, hyper-glycemia and insulin resistance in women and possibly even decreased testosterone level in men, hardly an ideal situation for either men or women’s health.

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7-oxo-DHEA, 7alpha-OH-DHEA, and 7beta-OH-DHEA all also increase the liver content of the thermogenic enzymes mitochondrial sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and cytosolic malic enzyme, and all to a greater extent than DHEA .

7-oxo-DHEA is about 2.5 times as potent as DHEA in inducing these enzymes .

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DHEA, also known as dehydroepiandrosterone, is synthesized in the adrenal cortex from cholesterol via pregnenolone by the action of an enzyme called cytochrome P450. It is the most abundant adrenal steroid in humans and is the precursor for many important steroid hormones which includes estrogen and testosterone. In contrast to cortisol and other adrenal steroids, DHEA levels decline with age. Levels of DHEA increase through the second decade of life and then begin to decline to negligible amounts at ages greater than 70 years. We experience a 50% reduction in DHEA levels between ages 20 and 40. Since DHEA is the major androgen precursor in humans, men have 30% higher DHEA levels than women throughout their lives.

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7-Keto DHEA的功能:

● 加強記憶力。 
● 幫助減輕體重,增加瘦肉組織。

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